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Week 48 โ€“ Untitled May end

 ยท  โ˜• 8 min read

Welcome to the last blog of the month, cant believe we are entering the anniversary month in one day ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Why did I stop sharing my habit updates on Instagram ?

Anyway this week was sort of an normal week where I did get most of my habits and work done but still feels like a failed week because I failed to give time to my personal project everyday.

Which resulted in me dropping a few of my habits by the end of the week.
Which is def not the reason as to why I stopped sharing my updates on Instagram.
Tt had more to do with the nature of the work, you see it gets really boring sharing the same kind of story everyday on insta and its also like people stop caring after a certain point of time now I for one did not post them for the interest of the people in the first place but over the time as I saw responses to the story I kinda got a bit more motivated ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Same with the blogs tbh but the blogs have far more unforeseen value than simple habit updates but anyway I guess I wont be sharing my stats to Instagram for a while it was fun and I did it for 75% of the month if I am not wrong but now I am just bored / tired of it.

Habit update insta highlgiht image

Personal Highlights


I had a good start with reading, but by the end of the week, it dropped by a bit.
Still, at the start of the week, I managed to finish 2 chapters of Secret of nagas and
One chapter of From Make Time

This followed the same trajectory as reading lol.
However last week I remember saying that I would try out the waking up app but I wasnโ€™t able to give it a try as I found myself using the normal timer more sometimes because I wasnโ€™t able to find the earbuds, sometimes because they were charging and other times because I simple didnโ€™t feel like putting something into my ear before meditating.

This is the one habit were I have showed complete devotion and managed to keep up with it almost everyday, I mean I took the rest days as seriously as I took the normal day, thus maintaing my streak of working out as per the app everyday starting from the 1st of this month.

I finished html basics this week from codecademy


and then didnโ€™t feel like starting css, idk why!
Maybe because the pending edit kept screaming at the back of my head.

Same freelancing gigs like last week but I somehow managed to be a lil more efficient this week which is obvious given that I am doing the almost same type of work over a repeated period of time.

Work was also one of the reason behind my failure to dedicate time to the mashup edit and if you have been following the blogs for a while now then you should know that this is a reccuring theme of the blogs XD

Where I blame my work for my lack of commitment to my personal projects.

Personal Project Updates

But I decided to end that or atleast tried so by the end of the week when I found myself making zero progress on the mashup I decided to take it a bit more seriously and I stopped other habits to make this my number one priority and I did manage to make some progress.

Now I need to continue this week too because I donโ€™t see myself saying no to external work so I should manage some way to give the personal project a bit more time even if it comes at the cost of me sacrificing some of my habits for a while.

Thoughts from the past week

Why is it so boring to talk about positive things?

In social media, no matter what we see, there is always a hint of negativity attached to it,

Not only that but most conversations we have with friends have elements of uncertainty and some sort of negativity in them, its like we have been caring for our survival for so long that it is now embedded in us to always find things to worry about XD

Imagine how dull a conversation will be if two people talked about just positive things lol

Even if they did, they would bring โ€œhow negative people are trying to demean them or stuff,โ€ which is, yep you gussed it a negative statement XD
So no matter what we talk about being 100% positive is just not humanly possible ๐Ÿค


Its fine to have god complex in private but not in public

Social Media updates

Wasnโ€™t active much this week but managed to write quite a lot of useless tweets nonetheless


My Favourites from the Week

Blogs/Articles ๐Ÿ“‘

Havenโ€™t been reading anything other than books lately :/

Book Highlights๐Ÿ“š

you create your own reality by choosing what you pay attention to.

You only waste time if youโ€™re not intentional about how you spend it.

From Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky


Movies ๐ŸŽฅ

Mortal Kombat 2021

Motral kombat 2021 movie poster
It was okayish I guess, idk I didnโ€™t like it much also I am not a huge mortal kombat fan or anything, I just like the story because of the games.

I could see elements from revenge of scorpio animated mortal kombat movie but between the two I would prefer that one, that felt like like a truer verion.

Also I donโ€™t usually complain about characters but I hated lord raidenโ€™s character in the movie, in the animated one which I watched last week raiden was very calm and composed but in this one he was just kinda annoying.

Anyway, in conclusion donโ€™t watch the movie if you donโ€™t know what mortal kombat is.

Game ๐ŸŽฎ

Mortal Kombat XI

Yep finally player a game after really a long time, just wanted to get a bit more immersed in the mortal kombat story ๐Ÿ˜…

Motral kombat 2021 game steam

Played it for like 2hrs in total I think not a big fan of single-player matches as they are either v easy to win and if I increase the difficulty, then they are very hard๐Ÿ˜ฉ

I prefer playing such fighting games with irl friends ๐Ÿ˜Œ

App ๐Ÿ’ป

Tab limiter

Thing ๐Ÿฆฟ

A new experimental section, not something I can use every week but will try whenever I can ๐Ÿ˜‹

So I bought an expensive ass nail cutter from amazon of some Japanese brand after I somehow managed to convince myself into believing that I need it lol
But surprisingly enough, it managed to impress me, and it feels pretty worth it tbh ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Kai Japan Nail Clipper

This is the one that I bought, I am not a huge nailtrimmer enthusiast so idk if it was actually worth it or not but I remember watching a youtube video where they said to use the ones with carbon blade and this one has carbon steel blade so I guess its fine.

I bought it from amazon but it is 10rs cheaper on flipkart and nykaa I think. Also for some weird reason, if I got 2 of these, then it would cost me 260rs reach instead of 370 ๐ŸคI have a nail cutter set which I use for my toenails, so I didnโ€™t feel like investing more in it.

Songs ๐ŸŽถ


Podcast(s) ๐ŸŽ™

Memes/Edits from the last week ๐Ÿ’


Btw did you know a few people unsubscribed to my emails in the last 30days ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿ˜ค

Goal(s) for the next week ๐Ÿฅ…

  • At least an hour every day on the edit! No matter what

    And I am limiting myself to just this one habit so that I donโ€™t fail

Btw in the month of may I got back to working out and did it everyday [Excpet the rest days which was every 4th day]
No matter what happened or what I was into I did not skip working out on work days and I am very happy about it. Obviously I am going to continue this habit for the next month too but just wanted to share that atleast there was one big win the month of may ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Quote(s) from the week๐Ÿ“ƒ

Gonna use this tweet as an excuse if you donโ€™t like the meme mashup edit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Thanks for reading this weekโ€™s blog.
I hope you found something of value from it.

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CEO @ Octalancer ๐Ÿ˜Ž