I guess I am on time this week
Personal Highlights
- I was supposed to write the script for my voiceover video this week but idk I just didn’t find enough undistracted long sane period of time when I could write it.
- I did install a custom rom in my phone and deleted bunch of old media files which gave my device a very significant performance boost.
- I watched 2 documentaries this week, and both of them were amazing.
Will talk about them in my video recommendation section. - Also continued playing a lotta chess
Thoughts from the past week
Is love worth losing your sleep over? personally I don’t think so… and maybe that’s the reason as to why I will prolly remain single and die alone,
but atleast I will keep getting a proper goodnight of sleep XD -
Sorry but i choose neuroscience over politics at least brain k bare main seekh k i can be be more understanding and improve myself, Politics k bare main seekh k kya kar paunga? 🤔
Social Media updates
## Opinions
Idk :/ Don’t have any this week
Watch this instead XD
And Now Finally Time For
My Favourites from the Week
So as I was saying earlier the two documentaries that I watched this week are:
You can watch Born into brothel in vimeo I guess and for the social dilemma … Netflix.. but I am sure you have other ways of watching paid content online ;)
Both of them were great to say the least.
I didn’t really learn anything new from the social dilemma as I had read almost everything explained in the book last year when I read digital minimalism by carl Newport.
But still the documentary was a nice gentle reminder as to how social media had regained its hold on me despite my earlier efforts of wanting to limit usage.
Born into brothel was much on the nostalgic side, and kudos to zana briski for coming to india and capturing parts of it at a time when no there was a very limited ways of communication and almost no internet.
Even though she wasn’t able to transform everyone, but she did the best she could and certainly changed the life of a few kids forever.
Well that was all for the documentary part, I did watch a few movies too one of them being Murder in orient express.
Now a few YT video recommendations for you
As usual the last one is the best
App recommendation 🤪
If you are moving to a new phone and want to backup your messages and call logs from the old phones, then maybe you can give
Super Backup & Restore a try
Modern stock android phones back them up in your google drive I think but for some other roms don’t in that case apps like this can come in handy.
I personally have my call logs and sms logs from 2017 intact XD Don’t ask why I just like keeping an archive of everything.
Btw I installed pixel experience plus of my redmi note 4[without rooting], but if you don’t want to flash any rom and still get rid of ads from your xiaomi device then watch this video
Now few Memes/Edits 😄

Also, Few interesting things are on its way, but I hate announcing stuffs beforehand because it usually takes a lot of time for me to publish the stuffs : ( Sorry for delaying things but please note that I track everything so even the delay is getting tracked and this data will be used by me in future to improve Or at least that’s what I hope.
Aight I guess that’s about it for this week, see you again next week. Thank you for reading this, maybe try and interact with the reactions below 😈
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