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Week 19 – e-vacation πŸ₯΄

 Β·  β˜• 5 min read

I am writing this week’s blog on Saturday (A day before publishing), because I am done with today’s work usually I write it on Sunday.

So If I cant think of thoughts now, I will have enough time to write about it tomorrow.

Personal Highlights

  • This week has been quite like a vacation for me tbh, where I spent a major portion of my time connecting with a old friend, the best part about it is that we don’t have to think about how we present ourself because they already know us, so its much more nicer to talk to people whom we already know, also takes a lot less investment of time.

  • Also part of the reason why I am referring to this week as a vacation is because I had not set any goal for this week. Which is why I was able to not stress too much about any particular thing.

  • But that doesn’t mean this week was completely off for me, I continued my morning routine of waking up at around 5:30am going for run and reading book.

    β—˜ I read quite a lot this week which almost brought me to the end of Homo Deus [30 pages remain], quite sure will end the book this coming week, I guess I will complete the last few remaining chapters of The selfish gene after I am done with homo deus.

  • Running stats from this week which nobody asked for but I am still going to share for statistical and accountability purposes πŸ₯΄

    run week 3

Thoughts from the past week

Saw this meme a few months ago, now my brain associates the US president with this XDDD


Opinion 🀒

ft. confusement

Telling others what’s right and wrong for them is quite stupid.

But never the less we do it and we don’t do it with any random person we do it esp with people whom we like or care about, deep down even though we know we shouldn’t tell them we still do, its weird the way it is
I mean wouldn’t you tell your friend if you knew about a hole in the ground, its quite a controversial question I think, there are many answers to this but the one I like is not saying it, or refusing to help because only then they will learn, we often forget that the way we learn is facing the obstacle ourselves.

However this is only applicable on a philosophical level, I mean if it’s a small thing then we are better off telling the other person.
Also I realized how paradoxical this is, its like me saying y’all to not say anything. Geddit ? XD
I am doing the opposite of what I am saying sort of. Ok don’t with my paradoxical oppinions now back to the normal blog.

Social Media updates

Lmao I lost my momentum of posting after I got busy with lot of work this week, also shitposting uselessly didn’t seem appropriate enough idk why.
Made a tweet tho, Go Vote πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Will share results next week

My Favourites from the Week

Blog(s)/Article(s) πŸ“‘

20% Rule: How To Easily Find Hours Per Day For Learning by Michael Simmons

India’s poor hygiene standard turned beneficial to fight Covid-19: Study by deccan herald

Staying Productive on Distracted Days by Carl newport


Creators 🀹🏻

This is a new section of my blog where I will be sharing creators whose work I have liked quite a lot in the past week.

This week’s creator of my choice is: Sparsh Paliwal


He has an ali abdal styled channel but in hindi, exactly the type of channel I would make if I was confident enough irl 🀭
Do checkout his videos on YouTube, if you are into productivity and stuff

Apps πŸ“±

Google unlocked

This google chrome extension will show hidden links[Restricted due to DMCA] in google search


Podcast πŸŽ™

My earphones stopped charging for some reason so wasn’t able to listen to them while running this week, but I forgot to share few nice ones that I listened to last week, will share them below

One thing that I learnt from this is: Love is a verb

Memes/Edits/Interesting stuff πŸ’

Goal(s) for the next week πŸ₯…

  • For the next week I will try to implement time blocking in my life and assign a particular chunk of time for doing a certain thing every day [preferable the night before]
  • Also, will try and complete the failed task from 2 weeks ago of cleaning / organising my digital files and folders from my pc.

Aight I guess that’s about it for this week, see you again next week. Thank you for reading this, maybe try and interact with the reactions below 😈

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